Darrel R. Jordan - Online Memorial Website

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Darrel Jordan
Född i Idaho
32 years
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Mom My Baby Boy December 10, 2007
You know Darrel, God tried to prepare me for the day he would take you away from all of your pain and suffering, although it was before you started to have the seizures, so I tried to shrug it off.  He knew you would have the seizures.  I didn't want to think he would take you up to heaven to be with him.  I know you are there and I am happy with you and know you are no longer suffering.  I tried so very hard to be there for you and see you thru everything.  I am sure he knows what I am feeling, although I must learn to be happy for you and know that I have others that need me.  I know you were very weary and tired and wanted to be with Jesus.  And I know that you are with him now.  Just think my love, maybe he will let you celebrate your birthday with him.  What a glorious day that would be.  Oh Darrel, how I miss your sweet gentle touch and your georgous smile.  I want so desperately to dance with you again.  I often wonder, my love, if you were afraid that night, or did you feel all alone or was Jesus with you that night.  Did he give you a helping hand and know that you were so very tired.  I know that this probably sounds so very selfish on my part, but I miss you so very much.  I can't seem to get my brain and my heart together.  My brain knows that you are now at peace and you are dancing with the angels in heaven, but my heart wants to dance with you, touch you, hold you, smell you and laugh with you.  I want to tell you stories from my work that you enjoyed so very much.  I miss you darling more so than ever.  I feel so very lost without you.  I know he only takes the best and you were definitely the best.  Please rest in peace and know that I miss you so very much.  I can't even put into words.  Take care my love until I see you again.   
Jeremy Words from 09/02/2006 September 13, 2007
Brother Darrel, we had some awesome times hanging our together.  I prized your fellowship in the Spirit, your sweet and joyful personality, and your sense of humor.  I will sincerely miss you.  Farewell for now, but we will "hang out" again.  I look forward to the day when we will walk together-this time in the unrestricted presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus forever!  Psalm 17:15.  I transferred these words for Jeremy Cameron to this sight so it would never go away, Dottie. 
Dottie mon August 28, 2007
My dearest baby boy, it has been a year since you and I physically danced in the dining room and kitchen, how I remember that night.  I can hardly wait until we dance again.  I remember the hugs, running my fingers thru your freshly shampooed hair( so very fine and soft) our professions of love for one another.  Had I known that it would be my last dance with you here I would have danced longer.  I still smell your Old Spice cologne.  I know you struggled with your sickness and I hurt along with you.  If only I oculd have taken it away from you I would have.  We will be having a memorial for you tomorrow and several of your friends will be here.  Once again Darrel because of you I sadly say, you have put me in touch with some awesome people that too have lost children and know the pain I have now.  True to your nature you have brought us together.  I am sorry it had to be this way but I appreciate these people greatly.  I don't think you realized how many people's lives you did touch and sadly enough neither did I.  I knew you had the gift of gab and loved people, but I didn't know that others saw it that way.  You know what my love, Bethie is right God only takes the best even tho you stumbled along the way.  I know God tried to let me know when you were only about 4 years old that your life here on earth would not be long. Although I didn't want to believe it.  He did share you with me longer that I thought.  I still miss you as much now as I did when you went away to be with your savior.  I believe God was definitely with you that night and helped you join him in Heaven.  Keep dancing my love until I see you again.  Keep those hugs and laughter going there and know I miss them here.  Be happy my love.  And remember the Buttermilk Biscuits.  I love you so very much and miss you more.   
Rae Ann Norell Its been one year August 27, 2007
To Dottie and Darrel's Family; I saw the sweet memorial in the paper last week, and was reminded that its been a year now since your beloved son, brother, friend, left this earth.  I know how tough this time is for you, and how tough the whole last year has been.  May God hold you all in the palm of  his hand untill you are wtih Darrel again.  May his memory be very strong and clear in your mind, and may you remember all the funny and happy times you had together.  The website is a great tribute to him and I love the photos.  Take Care, Rae Ann
Beth He only takes the best!! July 30, 2007

Darrel - I know God only takes the best because he took you from us.  I still miss you so much.  I miss your goofy laugh and your smile.  I love you so much!!

God saw you getting tired
And a cure was not to be
So He put his arm around you
And He whispered "Come To Me."
A golden heart stopped beating
A precious soul at rest
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best
With tearful eyes we watched you
And saw you pass away
And though we loved you dearly
We could not make you stay
A golden heart stopped beating
A precious soul at rest
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best
Victoria Missing you July 10, 2007

Uncle Darrel,

There hasn't been a day when I don't think of you. We always had the best of fun! Thank you so much for being there for me when I needed you most. I will always remember you on every birthday, holiday, and even every ordinary day. You are one of the greatest angels and a blessing to all of us who ever knew you. I can't wait to see you again in the Heavenly place we all call our home. In the mean time though....drink, dance, and laugh like there's not a worry in the world! I miss you uncle & I will always love you with all of my heart! You are my guardian angel!!

                                                                                                Love always,

                                                                                                your neicie

Dorthie Nelson Aunt Nell July 10, 2007


I miss you so much. But I knkow you are happy in the arms of Jesus. I am waiting for the day when you and I can stroll across Heaven together. What a glorious day that will be.


                Aunt Nell

Beth Darrel's sister July 6, 2007

Here is a poem my friend Vicki sent me when we lost you Darrel and it is PERFECT.  I love you and I miss you so much. 


I'm safely home in Heaven,         

Though I know you miss me so.

The love I've always felt for you,

Within my heart still flows.

My spirit will remain with you

Every single day, appearing as a

Rainbow or as ocean waves at play.

I'm in the gentle rains that fall,

And in the morning dew.

All you see that's beautiful

Reflects my love for you.

I didn't mean to cause you pain,

My time had simply come.

The work that I was meant to do

On earth had all been done.

I'm safely home in Heaven,

Where eternal peace is mine.

And where, when God called you,

too, I'll be forever Thine.


Sabrina Hupe Cousin/Friend April 24, 2007

I've known Darrel all of my life.  But it wasn't until I too became ill with seizures that we became close.  It was really nice to have someone to talk to that understood & had been through what I was beginning to go through.  He was such a wealth of knowledge & I don't think he even really knew it.  In fact I attribute him & his mom to saving me a lot of heartache & hassel when it came to getting my seizures under control.  See, Darrel shared with me his wonderful Dr. & if it hadn't been for that I don't know what I would have done.  Not only that, but we could laugh & joke about the symptoms & the side effects of the medications.  And eventhough he had this very debhilitating disease, he was always willing to help with whatever he could.  He seemed to put his heart & soul into everything he did.  And not only that, on his "good" days he was so upbeat & positive it was unbelievable.  I truly do miss him, his advice, his support & his thoughts on "our" illness.  But I'm so glad he is no longer suffering & in pain.  I know he is "dancing with Jesus" & I can only hope one day to see him again.  May he rest in peace, & may all of the rest of us whose hearts are breaking because we miss him so, be healed by God's love & the knowledge that we will one day see our precious Darrel, again.

Sabrina Hupe (Nampa, Idaho)

Jim Raeder My friend April 22, 2007
I met Darrel in 1990. We had some great laughs together. He always had positive things to say to me. I miss the joking we did together especially about slopko, k-mart fall apart, maypops, custom by crunch and others-we always got a good laugh together on those. I am so sorry that I didn't spend more time with him. My wife had cancer for 31/2 years and it was pretty hard, as she passed away about week or so after Darrel. Dottie you are such a special person and Darrel would be so proud of you. When you have Darrel with you it has brought you some real good luck and that is pretty neat-GAMBLING especially and he would love it. Darrel would tell you that everything is going to be ok!! I really do miss him!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Jim Raeder (Wilder, Idaho)
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