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Darrel Jordan
Born in Idaho
32 years
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Pauline Anderson MISSING YOU SOOOOOO BAD June 15, 2015
I think about you everyday and still have my double headed stuffed turtle you sent me from college that i look at every day and cherish. I miss your smile and laughs and the phone calls couple times a day when we both lived in kuna. And when we went to the kuna bar just to play pool and laughed for hours such a great time. Missing you sooooo much. I LOVE YOU darrel.      
Mom To my baby October 13, 2010
Oh Darrel, not sure what is going on today but I miss you so very much.  I wish I could just hold you today and tell you how much I love you.  I know you don't want me to be so sad but I can't help it.  I hope you like your new cross that Ann painted and we put up for you.  The solar lights are so beautiful at night for you.  If only I couldd run my fingers thru your hair one more time, see your smile and hear your laughter.  Are you laughing and dancing there, I often wonder.  I do know you are at peace now and that is the only thing that gives me peace.  I often wonder if you knew how many lives you touched.  Your heart and soul was so kind and generous.  I was so very proud of you.  Just needed to chat with you honey.  The hole in my heart is still there and I miss you so very much.  What a light in my life you were!!!!!  And You still are.  I love you baby and I hope to see you soon. 
Dottie Mom and friend August 29, 2010
Hi baby, it has been 4 long years and seems only yesterday.  I miss you so very much and I know I have lost a piece of my heart.  It has  a great big hole in it without you.  I know God only loaned you to me and family, but in my eyes you were a keeper.  Such a loving gentle heart you were.  So very funny and had such a special way of touching people.  I was so very proud of you and your beliefs.  This has been a very long day and I have thought of you a lot.  I must get your new cross up and fresh flowers just to honor you and your time here.  If only I could hold you one more time and tell you again how much you mean to me.  You would be so very proud of Victoria and J man.  Wow , they are awesome.  I know they held a special place in your heart too.  I have been reminicing some of the sweeter things that you and I went thru.  I love and miss you honey.  I hope you are now finally at peace and having a good time in heaven.  Until I see you again, love, laugh and dance.  I know that Heaven is sweeter with you there.  I love you.
Dottie Mom May 8, 2010
Well, dear heart, it is almost Mother's day and I am missing you so very much.  I hope you knew how much I treasured your love.  Your quirky ways.  I miss your beautiful smile, humor and you loving ways.  I know that heaven is so very much sweeter with you there and you are making everyone smile.  I wish we could have that last dance again, that we had the night before you went to heaven.  I will always remember our conversation that night.  Little did I know it would be our last.  It truly seems like yesterday when you left.  I miss you so very much and wish I could hold you once again.  Baby, I hope you have finally found peace and you are where you always wanted to be.  Serving God any way you could.  I am and always have been very proud of you.  I look forward to the day I will see you again and be able to hug and dance with you once again.  I love you honey and miss you even more.  Thank you God for loaning him to me.  Dance my love until I see you again.
Dottie Mom January 1, 2010
Honey, here it is another new year and I am missing you so very much.  I know that time is supposed to ease the pain, but it doesn't seem to be working. It seems like yesterday when you left to be with Jesus.  It seems everything I do reminds me of you.  Everywhere I go has some sort of memory of you.  We spent so much time together that it is impossible to not have those memories.  I am grateful that I did have those memories, but I want them back.  I understand more now the frustrations and pain you went thru, and how tired you were.  I thought I knew then but I had no clue until now.  It is so frustrating.  I know that you are free of pain and don't have to worry about your seizures.  I am happy for that love, but again I have my selfish side and I want to dance with you again and have our heart to heart talks.  Maybe one day we can do that again until then dance and laugh and rest in peace.  I love you so very much baby. 
Dottie Mom and friend November 26, 2009
Oh my darling Darrel, you weigh so heavy on my mind today.  It is thanksgiving and I know you always enjoyed that day, because of all the food.  My heart aches to hold you tight, run my fingers thru your hair.  I know you must be feasting with Jesus and all of the friends you have made there and that makes me happy.  You are where you have always wanted to be.  With Jesus.  I just wish you could drop by for a minute today to say hello.  You are definitely in my heart forever.  I miss the funny things you used to say and the laughter it caused.  My thoughts, love and heart is with you forever.  I miss you my love.  Enjoy this day of thanksgiving and all the blessings that come with it.  Rest my love, Mom
Dottie mother and friend October 2, 2009
Hi honey, have been missing you so much and wishing I could run my fingers thru your hair, see your beautiful smile.  Melody sent me a beautiful letter that reminded me of you so very much.  I am sure you walked in that little boy's shoes and God seen you were tired and done your duty here on earth.  He decided to take you home and let you be whole again.  I can only imagine what it is like there with you.  I am sure you are dancing,singing and enjoying Jesus's presence.  Again my selfish side comes out and I want to hold you and tell you once again how much you meant to me and how much I loved you.  I know Heaven is a much sweeter place with you there.  Things will never be the same without you here.  There is such a huge hole in my heart without you here.  I know I will see you again and I look forward to that.  Maybe you can show me a round.  I miss and love you so much.  Rest my love. 
Dottie Your mother and friend August 7, 2009
Here it is almost 3 years and I still miss you more and more.  I feel lost without you.  I miss your phone calls, conversations, laughter and beautiful smile.  I really know you are at peace, but I struggle every day without you.  Yesterday brought back memories of the struggle you had with the seizures, frustrations, and depression.  I really understood your pain but was unable to do anything about it.  Mothers are always supposed to fix things, but I couldn't.  Only God could do that and he did.  I miss you baby so very much and hope that I can keep staying strong to carry on.  You would be so very proud of Victoria and her grades at school, her personality, and genuine heart.  J-man of course would have been your buddy as he is mine.  Such a little sweetheart, tall and thin like you.  Victoria has had the extreme pleasure of having an awesome dream about you and her family.  I look forward to another dream of you.  They bring such sweet warm feelings.  How can I tell you what a hole I have in my heart and soul without you.  Although I know you must see and it is not what you would want.  Sorry my little man I can't help it.  I chuckle every now and then to see Heidi's little girl, my great granddaughter, have such a persistent little attitude.  She reminds me of you a lot.  When you were very little you were so stubborn not like you were as a young man.  You had a very kind and loving heart as an adult.  Life issued you many obstacles, but you never complained.  You knew that God would be your friend and savior, and he was.  I love and miss you my baby.  Keep dancing and enjoying your time with Jesus.  Until we see you again I love and miss you Mopm
Mom Easter Sunday April 12, 2009

Hey baby, here it is Easter Sunday and I am missing you even more  I remember when you were here and enjoyed hiding eggs for the kids.  I so wish you were here to do that again.  My heart aches for your presence, hugs, laughter.  It just leaves such a hole in my heart and a sadness in my soul without you here.  I know you must be rejoicing with Jesus and that is where you are supposed to be.  I know that God seen the suffering you were going thru and thought you needed a rest.  I often wonder if Heidi's baby, Chloe, has some kind of connection with you for she keeps looking at your picture that I wear all the time.  I know you must be proud of Heidi and her new found lifestyle.  She gives you credit for teaching her so much about Jesus and you should be proud.  I know I am proud of who you were and trying to teach the nieces and nephews  all about Jesus.  I think of you daily and see so very many things that remind me of you in every way.  I met a truck driver that God must have led to me at work.  I was able to help him when he lost his son six days prior to me meeting him..  He was killed by a robber in a grocery store.  We have made a connection and I hope I helped him just a little bit.  Look for him Darrel, his name is Victor Sterling.  You take care my love and rest.  I love and miss you with all of my heart.  


pam forever friends March 25, 2009

Darrrel, You are missed by so many people. I really wish you knew the impact you had on all those that ever spent any time with you. My kids think the world of you. It only took seconds for any one person to spend with you for them to realize you had more than life to give. A letter jon wrote on 3-25-09: Jeff Gordon,Scooby Doo: Dear Darrel Richard Jordan Jr., I really miss you, I wish you never died. You were my best friend and uncle in the world. Sometimes I think its my fault for your death. If you didn't have brain surgery you would still be here.

   I explained everything to him to help him understand that your suffering was too much and you needed to be free. You will always be in our hearts dreams minds and soals. Freedom rings Darrel and you are free. WE MISS AND LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH FOREVER AND ALWAYS PAM JON AND SAVANA

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